Director : Recognizing the vast responsibility of parenthood and your dependence upon God for strength and wisdom, do you now present your children before God in solemn dedication?

Parents : We do.

Director : Luke 2:52 tells us that “Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men.” As mothers and fathers, are you committed to partner with God to help your children grow up to follow Jesus, growing in wisdom and seeking favor with God and men?

Parents : We do.

Director : Knowing that each of you realizes your weaknesses and human frailties, do you wish to reconsecrate your lives to Christ that you may live exemplary lives?

Parents : We do.

Director : Repeat Hannah’s pledge to God: “I will give my child unto thee, Lord, all the days of his life.” 1 Samuel 1:28


Pastor : Recognizing the responsibility that you have as a congregation toward these children, do you agree to deal with them lovingly and tenderly, seeking to manifest the Christian spirit toward them always?

Congregation : We do.

Pastor : Do you promise to provide spiritual instruction for them at this church, giving your time, talents and resources to make this possible, so long as you are part of this congregation?

Congregation : We do.

Pastor : Do you promise to encourage these parents as they seek to do what they have promisted in rearing these children?

Congregation : We do.