igbo cHRIST church

1 Chronicles 16:31 -"Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; 

let them say among the nations,

 "The Lord reigns!"'

1 Ihe Emere 16;31 -"Ka elu-igwe ṅuria, ka uwa teghari kwa egwú ọṅù;

Ka ha si kwa n'etiti mba nile, "Jehova bu eze!"'


Princeton Community Church

2300 Pennington Road, Pennington, NJ 08534







Igbo Christ Church is a

non-denominational church

with worship services in Igbo.

Okwukwe na Ozizi


  • Anyi Kwere

    1. N’idi n’otu nke Chineke na Trinity nke di nime Ya:  Otu Onye Okike, nke putara ihe nime Nna, Okpara na Mo-nso.
    2. Na ihe edeworo n’akwukwo nso bu ihe si n’obi Chineke puta; nke bara oke uru iji kuziere anyi uzo anyi geji bie ndu ayi nke oma.
    3. N’Omumu nke Nwagbogho n’amaghi nwoke, Ndu nke nmehie nadighi, Onwu nke kwuru ugwo njo anyi, Mbilite n’onwu na Nrigo n’elu igwe, Aririo nke Onyenwe ayi Jisus Kraist, Obibia nke ugbo abua Ya, N’ochichi nke nno-aro abua n’ogu-iri n’uwa.
    4. Na Mo-nso, Onye ndu nke anyi, Nke nenye anyi onyinye di iche iche; maka mbuli elu, ndumodu na nkasi obi nke Nzuko nke bu aru Kraist.
    5. Na Baptism nime Kraist na Nri-Anyasi-nke-Onyenwe ayi.
    6. N’Igu n’onye ezi omume, n’usoro nke Ido-nso, nke onye kwere ekwe site n’olu Kraist luru.
    7. Na nmehie nke, umu madu,nkpa nke ncheghari na imu-ohu, na ahuhu nke mgbe ebigh-ebi diri onye nechegharigh.
    8. N’Inye Otu-uzo-na-uzo-iri na onyinye afo ofufo.
    9. Na Igbo Christ Church bu nzuko nke no n’onwe ya; na  ndi ochichi nke nzuko nka bu ndi Chineke roputaworo n’etiti anyi.
    10. Na ndi nile kwere ekwe bu Ogbo aroputaworo, Otu ndi nchu-aja, ndi bukwa eze, ndi akpoworo ilu olu nke Kraist dika onyinye nke Mo-nso nyere ha si di.

    1. IN the Unity of the Godhead and the Trinity of the Persons therein; One true God, the creator of the universe existing in the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
    2. IN the Divine Inspiration and Authority of the Holy Scriptures, an instruction on how we should conduct our lives.
    3. IN God’s only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, His Virgin Birth, Sinless Life, Atoning Death, Triumphant Resurrection, Ascension, and His Abiding Intercession, Second Coming and Millennial Reign upon earth
    4. IN the ever presence of the Holy Spirit which guides us in all we do. The Holy Spirit gives each member gifts for the edification, Exhortation and Comfort of the Church, which is the Body of Christ.
    5. IN the Sacraments of Baptism by immersion into Christ and of the Lord’s Supper
    6. IN the Justification and Sanctification of the Believer through the finished work of Christ; the forgiveness of sins and free gift of eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ.
    7. IN the sinfulness of Human nature, the necessity for Repentance and Regeneration and the eternal Doom of the finally Impenitent.
    8. IN Tithes and Offerings as a Scriptural principle that God blesses those who give. 
    9. THAT Igbo Christ Church is an autonomous non-denominational church and Church Government is only by leaders within the church.
    10. THAT all believers are a chosen people, members of God’s “royal priesthood” with direct connection to HIM, called to Christian service and ministry according to their individual Spiritual gifts. 

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